Ask with Gentle Intent

"Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming." ~Alice Walker

I wrote this in my journal a while back. I keep the first page blank, and that is where I write inspiring quotes - the bits that catch my eye on Instagram, or in books that I am reading. Creation needs inspiration.

Another one I wrote down recently is :

"Love your fucking life.
Take pictures of everything.Tell people you love them. Talk to random strangers. Do things that you're scared to do. Fuck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing we did. Take your life and make it the best story in the world.
Don't waste that shit."
~Drew Drucifer Reiber

I keep my journals for 6 months, then let them go. I trash them, let all the angst and ideas compress in the garbage truck. Before I toss them I look at the quotes and am always amazed at how the theme changes from month to month, with yearnings I don't always know I have.

Obviously this month is about change and allowing change. "Inhale confidence, Exhale Doubt" I don't know where I found that one...

Yesterday in the intense heat I walked in the forest. I did my 6 kilometers with a sheen of slippery sweat on my arms and legs. The mosquitoes could not find a place to land, I was so slick. I found myself appealing to the Goddess - like I used to years ago when I was a more spiritual person. I was not appealing for myself - but for someone near and dear to me.

I remember once, way back when I used to deliver newspapers, and we just weren't making ends meet - so I asked the Goddess for more money, for a new job or to somehow increase our income a little bit - and she complied by giving me another 2 paper-routes. It did the job, and I became very strong.

I learned that she doesn't give more than you can handle, but you need to be willing to accept what you get, so I usually ask sparingly.

I felt a connection last night in the forest, and I haven't felt that in more than a decade. I made a promise that I would become more spiritual again. I used to know the phases of the moon [probably because I walked every morning for 2 hours delivering newspapers before dawn... ] and I loved being a part of that moon cycle.

This morning, almost immediately, she had set some things in motion.

We shall see.


  1. Here's the quotation that sprang to my mind while reading your post -- "What you seek is seeking you." I'm glad you experienced that connection again with the Divine Feminine. And there is no mistaking when the Divine touches your life, that's what I've found. May She bring you many blessings.

  2. Such wisdom you have given us today, I think we all have a place we can go that heals us body and soul and for some they not even leave their chair, the forest is mine also, a special place I go, take care my friend,

  3. That Reiber quote took my breath away. Thank you.


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